Kart Anda

M-TUBE (エム・チューブ) By PROMA

A captivating fusion of the everyday marker and sweet treats, creating a mesmerizing interplay between the marker and the candy tube!
$0.00 USD $20.00 USD
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Bilangan inventori: 2


Performance One

  • The magician places a marker inside a regular envelope, utters a magical incantation, and witnesses the marker transform into a candy tube.
  • The magician showcases the envelope to the audience, revealing that it now contains nothing.
  • But the magic doesn't end there; the magician proceeds to open the candy tube, revealing a marker nestled inside.
  • Engaging the audience, the magician playfully returns the marker to the candy tube, inviting them to chant the enchanting phrase, "I'll open the box." To everyone's surprise, when the magician reopens the candy tube, a cascade of actual candies spills out!

Performance Two

  • The magician invites a member of the audience to randomly choose a playing card, then asks them to sign it, only to produce a candy tube instead.
  • Just as the audience is left in a state of bewilderment, the magician opens the candy tube, revealing a marker inside.
  • After a sequence of card magic performances, the magician turns to the audience and says, "If you'd like, this is for you." The magician presents the candy tube again.
  • Displaying the marker inside, the magician covers it once more. To the astonishment of everyone, when the magician reopens the candy tube, the marker inside has magically transformed into an edible candy!

Note: The prop itself does not include the candy tube, candies, or envelope; these elements must be prepared separately.



  • Compact and User-Friendly: Designed for convenience and ease of use, ensuring a seamless magical experience.
  • Effortless Portability: Perfect for on-the-go performances, allowing magicians to captivate audiences anytime, anywhere.
  • Versatility for Dynamic Performances: Magicians can effortlessly incorporate it into different routines and tricks, adding a dynamic flair to their performances and showcasing the product's versatility.
  • Lasting Impressions and Tangible Mementos: Leaves a memorable impact on the audience, providing them with a unique and tangible keepsake.


What you will receive:

  • A magic prop
  • An original CD tutorial (For those without a CD player, contact customer service to access online videos)